3. Compile Source

❶ unzip source

1tar xvf rk356x_android12_sdk.tar.bz2
2cd rk356x_android12_sdk
3./build.sh -h                //view the build command

❷ compile uboot

1cd u-boot
2./make.sh rk3566

❸ compile kernel

1cd kernel-4.19
2make ARCH=arm64 rockchip_defconfig
3make ARCH=arm64 em3566-boardcon-hdmi.img

kernel.img and resource.img are included in boot.img, and boot.img is generated in Android12/kernel.

If only update kernel, complie as follow. After compiling, user can directly flash the boot.img under kernel directory.

1make ARCH=arm64 rockchip_defconfig
2make ARCH=arm64 BOOT_IMG=../rockdev/Image-rk3566_r/boot.img em3566-boardcon-hdmi.img

❹ compile Android

1source build/envsetup.sh
2lunch rk3566_r-userdebug
3make -j8

❺ generated image file

2./build.sh -u     //package update.img
3cd rockdev

Images and update.img are generated in current directory. After compilation, clean the build.

1./build.sh cleanall